Introduction to Web Server and HTML.


3 min read

Hey everyone This article is going to give some ideas about Web server and HTML. With this article, you become familiar with what is the web server, how it works, what is going on behind the server and also what are its various types and things.

Also, we will know what is Live server, how it works and some ideas about HTML and its tags.

What is a Web server?

  • A web server is a type of computer software and hardware where all the web pages are uploaded first.

  • How the web server work:

  • The main job of the web server is, whenever a user searches for something on the web, then the web server searches the data searched in its database and delivers it to the user, called the web server.

  • Every web server has its IP address and Domain name.

    i.g: https//

  • Types of the web server :

    the main types of the web server are

    1. Apache server

    2.Internet information server

    3. Nginx service server

    4. Light-speed server

    We will focus on the Apache server the most out of these four because the Apache server is the most popular web server.

  • Apache server :

    Apache server is a type of web server that is the most popular web server in the world.

    It is made up of the apache software foundation.

    It supports almost 60% of operating system machines in the world.


    What is a live server and how it works :

    • the live server is the main server on which web apps and websites are used by any user.

    • it is also known as a production server that is used to host applications and web content for deployment to a live environment.

      How it works :

      the live server enables the pages which are written in any compiler like VS code to reload automatically after changes in files.

      IG: in HTML, CSS, and JS when we write some code and in this written code when we change something then the live server changes automatically the changes which are done by users.

What is an HTML:

  • HTML stands for Hypertext markup language.

  • Also, we can say that HTML is the code that is used to structure a web page and its contents.

  • In another language, we can say that HTML is the base of any website, by using HTML we can give any structure for any website.

  • The components used to design the structure of any website are called HTML tags.

  • Tags in HTML

    There are several tags are available in HTML.

    1 . Headings tags :

    In HTML there are mainly 6 headings used to display headings.

    h1 (most important)





    h5 ( least important)

    SYNTAX : <h1>this is heading</h1>.

    2 . Paragraph tag :

    It is used to add paragraphs in HTML.

    SYNTAX: <p>this is paragraph</p>.

    3 . Anchor tags :

    It is used to add links to pages.

    SYNTAX : <a href=" links/URL "></a>

    4 . Image tag :

    It is used to add images on any page.

    SYNTAX : <img src=" relative URL ">

    5 . Bold, italic & underline tags:

    These all tags are used to highlight the texts on the pages.

    SYNTAX : <b>bold</b>



    6 . Br tag: This tag is used to add the next line or line break to the page.

    SYNTAX : <br>........</br>

  • In HTML there are various tags available all these tags are basic HTML tags.